
  • ООО «Rekadro»
  • INN 4028048909
  • OGRN 1114028002032
Write us / Request a call
Trust Line
  • Any comments on the quality of our work? Refer to the trust line
Olga Platonova
Business development department
  • Advice on Rekadro services
  • Choosing of optimum HR solutions
Alexander Ivanov

Before submitting the form, please read the Сonsent to the processing of your personal data specified in the form, which regulates the processing of your personal data in accordance with the Policy of personal data processing. Submitting the form is a confirmation of your Consent.

Fields marked with * are required
First name*
Write an e-mail*
of the storage and processing of personal data.

Before submitting the form “To order a call”, please read the Сonsent to the processing of your personal data specified in the form, which regulates the processing of your personal data in accordance with the Policy of personal data processing. Submitting the form is a confirmation of your Consent.

First name*
Phone number*
of the storage and processing of personal data.
Fee calculator*

The fee can be changed taking into account the specification of your needs.
Contact our experts, and we will find the most favorable terms for cooperation.

Request the service

Before submitting the form, please read the Сonsent to the processing of your personal data specified in the form, which regulates the processing of your personal data in accordance with the Policy of personal data processing. Submitting the form is a confirmation of your Consent.

First name*
Write an e-mail*
Service you are interested in (choose from the list)
Please, describe your requirement or question
of the storage and processing of personal data.